18th July

Zajecza 15 , 00-351 Warszawa Polska. This silver coin is created to illustrate the essence of a famous Cherokee legend by portraying the battle between two wolves – white and black. The legend tells us that every person has good and evil origins. And we all have choices, which part to cherish. When we live a noble and honest life, help other people and do good deeds – we feed the white wolf inside us. Our deception, arrogance, greed, extravagant desires, betrayal, and disobedience feed the black wolf. But this war between two wolves is not eternal. On the coin, two wolves are competing. Thanks to special finishing, it was managed to make them of different colours – without the use of any other technique. Besides, the artists used high relief to show wolves as detailed as possible. All in all, this silver piece is full of morality. Looking at it, the question arises: Which is the wolf you are feeding? Discounts on new coins for registered users. For Australia – UPS only.