Posts Tagged ‘ghostbuster’
21st February

Week of March (subject to change). Brand New in Original mint condition. Comes with box and COA. You will receive a LOW 2-digit COA. (COA # less than 100). Limited Mintage of only. Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man coin contains. Any such charges are the responsibility of the. This coin is struck in a unique shape to replicate a detailed portrayal of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, fictional character from the Ghostbusters franchise. Released in 1984, GhostbustersT is an American supernatural comedy film that follows the story of three doctors working in the Paranormal Studies Department of Columbia University in New York. After being fired for their unreliable and suspect findings, research, and methods, the three decide to start their own business specialising in paranormal investigations and eliminations known as’Ghostbusters’. The coin’s obverse features the Niue Coat of Arms, the year-date and the monetary denomination. No more than 750 of the 2024 Ghostbusters 2oz Silver Stay Puft Shaped Coin will be released. The coin enclosed is a legal tender under the authority of Niue.
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